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Some Bad & Good News About Your Website

Your Site Is Never Finished. What!?!?

That may sound like a depressing, defeatist attitude, but it’s not meant to be. We all know that fresh content is good for your visitors and search results, but making changes to your site based on analytics, customer feedback, or business development, is just as critical.

So don’t be afraid to pull the trigger on making enhancements to your site, improving functionality and fixing the parts that don’t work for you anymore, or more importantly that you’ve received some constructive criticism about. Positive and negative feedback should always be welcomed, it gives you an opportunity to see your site through your customer’s eyes.

While you’re adding and tweaking content, or making other enhancements, don’t forget to continue to test site functionality; links, downloads and form submits to name a few. The internet is not a static environment and changes made to your site or server could affect site performance.

Along those lines, please feel free to send along a note about our new site… good, bad, whatever!


Anthony_WebsiteMeet Anthony

Anthony is the new kid on the block, and as a freshly minted Loyalist College Animation grad he doesn’t get that culturally antiquated reference.

What he does get is animation, video editing, motion graphics and design, to name a few things. He also likes coffee, craft beer and smoked meat, so yeah you could say
he’s an office ‘fit’.



How about a laugh?

Ok so this is likely our favourite part of these e-blasts. Jim Gaffigan is very funny, and his take on cake is a classic.


Time to refresh your site?

Want to see if we’re the right choice for your creative partner?

Let’s talk about it.
519.624.9512  |