& Editing

Fun fact: LDM began as a photography studio in 2003, and surviving the peak of the instagram frenzy (are we there yet?) continues to capture creative and engaging images.  Photography is more than cameras and lights though, which is why we also provide art direction and photo editing for a broad range of clients and projects.


Your portrait image, whether on your business card, website or brochure, can often be that very important first impression. From head shots and corporate group photos to philanthropic campaigns and fashion shoots, we’ll have you looking your best.


We’ve had the tasty task of shooting a copious amount of food items for the restaurants we serve. We won’t try and hide it, we’ve sampled along the way. Because who isn’t a fan of good food?


Bringing an object to life is a challenge we’ll accept every time. Product photography is one of our first passions, and we’re always ready for the opportunity to set the stage, at our studio or on-site.


Have gear will travel. Shooting on location is sometimes the only option, or what makes the most sense. Eric has also traveled abroad extensively and will jump at the opportunity to shoot in an unfamiliar location.

Check out the work